Welcome to Low Cost Manuals. We are happy you stopped by! Our goal is to offer Service Manuals at an affordable price.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Question: Are payment methods other than PayPal accepted?
Answer: No. PayPal is a very secure and trusted payment platform.
Question: How long does it take to get the manual(s) I purchased?
Answer: You will receive download links via your PayPal email address within 24 hours of making your purchase.
Question: Why don't I get the manual instantly?
Answer: Each purchase is reviewed and the download link email is sent manually by hand.
Question: What if you don't have the manual I need?
Answer: Contact Us and we will see what we can do to get the manual you need.
Question: Do you have Parts Catalogs available for purchase?
Answer: No. We do not carry the Parts Catalogs.
Question: What is your return policy?
Answer: Returns are not accepted. The only exception to this rule, would be if you make a purchase and then Contact Us to cancel the order before the download link is sent to you. We can then cancel your order. Another exception would be if you purchase the same manual twice in a row, we will refund one of the purchases.
Real Customer Feedback
Received from Dave
Hello, I found you folks by searching the internet. I previously purchased a PDF Harley service manual for my bike and it turned out to be a scanned copy from which I could not search the manual through the "Find" feature (CTL F) and it also had no links to quickly maneuver through the many page manual. In other words, it's pretty much useless. I know, you get what you pay for. After spending quite a bit of time trying to find an actual real PDF version of the Harley manual, I found your website and it was exactly what I was looking for. I wanted to say thanks for a real PDF version of the Harley manual that I needed and to say, your website is straight forward, well done, and easy to make the purchase through PayPal. I will turn fellow Harley riders on to your website. Thanks again.
Received from Daniel
Thank you for the Harley Davidson manual, it works great!! I was out riding last weekend with some friends, after stopping for a short break, we resumed the ride and suddenly by Harley Ultra Classic went into limp mode. Fortunately I knew how to retrieve and reset the diagnostic trouble code but I didn't know what the trouble code was referring to and I didn't have any cellphone connectivity since I was up in the Ozark Mountains. So, today I was looking for a PDF version of the HD Electrical Diagnostic Manual that I could store in my phone for incidents like last weekend. I was searching on the internet and just happen to come across your website by pure luck. I was very impressed how easy you made it to purchase and download the manual. I didn't see any previous advertisement for your website, I was just lucky enough to find it. I have a bunch of Harley Davidson rider friends and I will definitely tell them about your website. Now I feel comfortable knowing that I have the service manual with me anytime I'm riding. Again, Thank you for providing a great service!
Received from Brinton
Thank you for providing this manual, the expedient response, and the affordable price! I spent the last two days reading through forums to find the correct rear shock absorber torque spec, and had too many conflicting answers. After a couple of hours looking through various websites for the service manual, I found your site in the Google results. Thank you again!